Explore this Structural Variant

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Top Panel

The following information is in the top panel:

  • Variant class - Structural variants can be classified as Copy Number Variant (CNV), intrachromosomal breakpoint, deletion, inversion, tandem duplication or insertion.
  • Allele type(s) - Describes the changes to the alleles. For CNVs, this can be Gain or Loss, or both. Otherwise the Allele type will be the same as the Variant class.
  • Source - The source database, for example DGVa.
  • Study - The study where the variant was identified. A link to the public database is provided, along with the link to the paper in PubMed.
  • Location - The chromosomal coordinates of the SV.
  • Genomic size - The size of the genomic segment affected.

DGVa (the Database of Genomic Variation Archive) is a database of variant data based at the EBI. DGVa shares data with dbVar (database of Variation) at NCBI, so these data will be included in the structural variants Ensembl imports from DGVa. Learn about data in DGVa in the DGVa Quicktour.