91 eutherian mammals EPO-Extended
This alignment has been generated in Ensembl release 111 and is composed of 233,219 blocks (up to 985,153 bp long).
API access
Species | Assembly | Genome length (bp) | Genome coverage (bp) | Genome coverage (%) | Coding exon length (bp) | Coding exon coverage (bp) | Coding exon coverage (%) |
Shrew (Sorex araneus) | COMMON_SHREW1 | 2,944,193,050 | 554,592,479 | 18.84 | 20,841,358 | 16,384,052 | 78.61 |
Armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) | Dasnov3.0 | 3,631,522,711 | 1,275,371,563 | 35.12 | 34,329,446 | 28,416,232 | 82.78 |
Sloth (Choloepus hoffmanni) | choHof1 | 2,467,493,193 | 936,092,639 | 37.94 | 19,729,254 | 15,346,648 | 77.79 |
Elephant (Loxodonta africana) | loxAfr3 | 3,196,760,833 | 1,318,213,240 | 41.24 | 31,407,754 | 12,865,452 | 40.96 |
Hyrax (Procavia capensis) | proCap1 | 2,993,339,806 | 839,123,225 | 28.03 | 27,180,283 | 22,561,780 | 83.01 |
Lesser hedgehog tenrec (Echinops telfairi) | TENREC | 3,833,584,941 | 622,171,837 | 16.23 | 25,963,043 | 20,280,887 | 78.11 |
Hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) | HEDGEHOG | 3,377,541,562 | 533,619,520 | 15.80 | 23,719,458 | 18,827,981 | 79.38 |
Megabat (Pteropus vampyrus) | pteVam1 | 1,999,614,463 | 1,241,896,112 | 62.11 | 28,943,432 | 26,204,308 | 90.54 |
Greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) | mRhiFer1_v1.p | 2,075,768,562 | 1,179,809,805 | 56.84 | 32,593,495 | 17,606,529 | 54.02 |
Microbat (Myotis lucifugus) | Myoluc2.0 | 2,034,575,300 | 1,085,569,567 | 53.36 | 30,512,546 | 26,703,099 | 87.52 |
Dingo (Canis lupus dingo) | ASM325472v1 | 2,439,831,507 | 2,283,174,802 | 93.58 | 33,093,723 | 31,721,551 | 95.85 |
Dog (Canis lupus familiaris) | ROS_Cfam_1.0 | 2,396,858,295 | 2,290,923,224 | 95.58 | 35,281,463 | 33,882,209 | 96.03 |
Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) | VulVul2.2 | 2,421,551,259 | 2,179,042,435 | 89.99 | 33,405,269 | 31,631,486 | 94.69 |
Ferret (Mustela putorius furo) | MusPutFur1.0 | 2,410,758,013 | 1,840,872,849 | 76.36 | 31,900,581 | 30,035,349 | 94.15 |
American mink (Neovison vison) | NNQGG.v01 | 2,447,205,843 | 1,836,722,604 | 75.05 | 31,703,822 | 30,087,360 | 94.90 |
Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) | UrsMar_1.0 | 2,301,379,344 | 1,894,114,028 | 82.30 | 29,143,224 | 27,492,367 | 94.34 |
American black bear (Ursus americanus) | ASM334442v1 | 2,588,393,916 | 1,889,278,383 | 72.99 | 29,000,040 | 26,834,639 | 92.53 |
Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) | ASM200744v2 | 2,444,060,653 | 1,881,963,649 | 77.00 | 33,981,247 | 31,148,568 | 91.66 |
Tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) | PanTig1.0 | 2,391,065,193 | 2,226,757,026 | 93.13 | 27,396,606 | 26,003,919 | 94.92 |
Lion (Panthera leo) | PanLeo1.0 | 2,406,807,619 | 2,284,179,299 | 94.90 | 32,345,482 | 30,209,363 | 93.40 |
Leopard (Panthera pardus) | PanPar1.0 | 2,578,019,207 | 2,413,322,374 | 93.61 | 30,973,212 | 28,501,126 | 92.02 |
Cat (Felis catus) | Felis_catus_9.0 | 2,521,863,845 | 2,325,068,415 | 92.20 | 34,484,705 | 32,634,584 | 94.63 |
Horse (Equus caballus) | EquCab3.0 | 2,506,966,135 | 2,108,727,349 | 84.11 | 38,317,516 | 31,800,711 | 82.99 |
Donkey (Equus asinus) | ASM1607732v2 | 2,431,907,375 | 2,029,518,896 | 83.45 | 35,853,645 | 29,417,867 | 82.05 |
Arabian camel (Camelus dromedarius) | CamDro2 | 2,154,386,959 | 1,317,514,382 | 61.15 | 32,075,927 | 19,860,800 | 61.92 |
Alpaca (Vicugna pacos) | vicPac1 | 2,967,746,133 | 1,381,400,687 | 46.55 | 19,005,742 | 16,729,490 | 88.02 |
Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) | turTru1 | 2,521,923,936 | 1,550,924,705 | 61.50 | 28,474,706 | 27,001,643 | 94.83 |
Vaquita (Phocoena sinus) | mPhoSin1.pri | 2,371,524,154 | 2,080,545,650 | 87.73 | 31,056,201 | 27,181,325 | 87.52 |
Narwhal (Monodon monoceros) | NGI_Narwhal_1 | 2,355,574,979 | 2,181,155,101 | 92.60 | 31,508,919 | 29,235,799 | 92.79 |
Beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) | ASM228892v3 | 2,362,774,659 | 2,187,948,604 | 92.60 | 31,519,471 | 29,360,816 | 93.15 |
Sperm whale (Physeter catodon) | ASM283717v2 | 2,512,132,974 | 1,905,523,671 | 75.85 | 30,899,790 | 20,955,493 | 67.82 |
Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) | mBalMus1.v2 | 2,379,995,981 | 1,990,081,472 | 83.62 | 31,093,315 | 24,950,384 | 80.24 |
Hybrid - Bos Indicus (Bos indicus x Bos taurus) | UOA_Brahman_1 | 2,680,953,056 | 2,555,194,693 | 95.31 | 37,484,807 | 36,065,410 | 96.21 |
Cow (Bos taurus) | ARS-UCD1.3 | 2,711,209,831 | 2,557,815,915 | 94.34 | 37,648,360 | 36,114,413 | 95.93 |
American bison (Bison bison bison) | Bison_UMD1.0 | 2,953,622,319 | 2,480,672,382 | 83.99 | 30,104,366 | 28,717,027 | 95.39 |
Domestic yak (Bos grunniens) | LU_Bosgru_v3.0 | 2,832,776,395 | 2,616,916,233 | 92.38 | 34,628,786 | 31,233,496 | 90.20 |
Wild yak (Bos mutus) | BosGru_v2.0 | 2,645,161,911 | 2,484,047,728 | 93.91 | 32,081,175 | 30,643,869 | 95.52 |
Goat (Capra hircus) | ARS1 | 2,922,813,246 | 2,420,257,163 | 82.81 | 33,933,515 | 30,329,575 | 89.38 |
Sheep (Ovis aries) | ARS-UI_Ramb_v2.0 | 2,628,146,905 | 2,454,728,370 | 93.40 | 36,241,706 | 33,521,736 | 92.49 |
Siberian musk deer (Moschus moschiferus) | MosMos_v2_BIUU_UCD | 3,069,608,437 | 2,125,295,588 | 69.24 | 33,316,786 | 31,287,591 | 93.91 |
Yarkand deer (Cervus hanglu yarkandensis) | CEY_v1 | 2,594,114,534 | 2,197,477,171 | 84.71 | 35,871,670 | 29,826,972 | 83.15 |
Pig (Sus scrofa) | Sscrofa11.1 | 2,501,912,388 | 2,104,222,840 | 84.10 | 35,419,727 | 29,227,704 | 82.52 |
Chacoan peccary (Catagonus wagneri) | CatWag_v2_BIUU_UCD | 2,640,067,814 | 1,756,609,677 | 66.54 | 31,494,020 | 22,327,048 | 70.89 |
Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) | OryCun2.0 | 2,737,490,501 | 1,921,837,077 | 70.20 | 34,042,187 | 23,322,004 | 68.51 |
Pika (Ochotona princeps) | OchPri2.0-Ens | 4,781,903,803 | 749,146,431 | 15.67 | 26,511,260 | 19,410,275 | 73.22 |
Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) | mSciVul1.1 | 2,878,591,032 | 1,574,198,249 | 54.69 | 33,947,064 | 18,857,202 | 55.55 |
Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota marmota) | marMar2.1 | 2,510,587,379 | 1,437,609,807 | 57.26 | 31,034,716 | 17,088,260 | 55.06 |
Squirrel (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus) | SpeTri2.0 | 2,478,410,228 | 1,386,440,839 | 55.94 | 30,223,248 | 28,149,855 | 93.14 |
Arctic ground squirrel (Urocitellus parryii) | ASM342692v1 | 2,520,505,282 | 1,418,165,000 | 56.27 | 31,635,636 | 29,307,669 | 92.64 |
Long-tailed chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera) | ChiLan1.0 | 2,390,868,971 | 1,313,529,945 | 54.94 | 30,052,602 | 28,234,875 | 93.95 |
Degu (Octodon degus) | OctDeg1.0 | 2,995,872,505 | 1,152,458,823 | 38.47 | 29,121,407 | 26,022,071 | 89.36 |
Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus) | Cavpor3.0 | 2,723,219,641 | 627,577,205 | 23.05 | 29,816,153 | 8,000,334 | 26.83 |
Naked mole-rat female (Heterocephalus glaber) | Naked_mole-rat_maternal | 2,500,150,894 | 855,733,642 | 34.23 | 34,454,808 | 29,154,642 | 84.62 |
Kangaroo rat (Dipodomys ordii) | Dord_2.0 | 2,236,368,823 | 939,761,885 | 42.02 | 26,238,403 | 24,730,734 | 94.25 |
Lesser Egyptian jerboa (Jaculus jaculus) | JacJac1.0 | 2,835,250,225 | 971,543,807 | 34.27 | 27,596,411 | 25,569,960 | 92.66 |
Upper Galilee mountains blind mole rat (Nannospalax galili) | S.galili_v1.0 | 3,061,408,210 | 1,271,593,215 | 41.54 | 29,132,429 | 27,242,505 | 93.51 |
Golden Hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) | MesAur1.0 | 2,504,925,039 | 1,454,173,027 | 58.05 | 28,004,075 | 26,320,529 | 93.99 |
Chinese hamster CHOK1GS (Cricetulus griseus) | CHOK1GS_HDv1 | 2,358,167,390 | 1,426,232,026 | 60.48 | 33,368,010 | 20,499,884 | 61.44 |
Prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster) | MicOch1.0 | 2,287,357,235 | 1,805,713,085 | 78.94 | 30,375,214 | 24,609,436 | 81.02 |
Northern American deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii) | HU_Pman_2.1 | 2,512,423,440 | 1,613,277,675 | 64.21 | 33,606,407 | 20,603,334 | 61.31 |
Rat (Rattus norvegicus) | mRatBN7.2 | 2,647,915,728 | 2,125,697,187 | 80.28 | 37,400,807 | 30,556,991 | 81.70 |
Ryukyu mouse (Mus caroli) | CAROLI_EIJ_v1.1 | 2,553,112,587 | 2,118,446,535 | 82.98 | 32,770,133 | 29,245,543 | 89.24 |
Steppe mouse (Mus spicilegus) | MUSP714 | 2,496,083,520 | 2,132,925,212 | 85.45 | 35,178,654 | 31,949,020 | 90.82 |
Algerian mouse (Mus spretus) | SPRET_EiJ_v1 | 2,625,571,169 | 2,358,524,506 | 89.83 | 33,001,570 | 30,329,872 | 91.90 |
Mouse (Mus musculus) | GRCm39 | 2,728,222,451 | 2,354,145,502 | 86.29 | 36,812,973 | 32,892,881 | 89.35 |
Shrew mouse (Mus pahari) | PAHARI_EIJ_v1.1 | 2,475,012,951 | 1,945,873,138 | 78.62 | 32,578,444 | 27,105,794 | 83.20 |
Pig-tailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina) | Mnem_1.0 | 2,948,703,511 | 2,397,875,330 | 81.32 | 34,342,625 | 32,277,345 | 93.99 |
Macaque (Macaca mulatta) | Mmul_10 | 2,971,331,530 | 2,702,155,083 | 90.94 | 37,308,545 | 35,414,852 | 94.92 |
Crab-eating macaque (Macaca fascicularis) | Macaca_fascicularis_6.0 | 2,906,155,132 | 2,666,627,620 | 91.76 | 34,070,036 | 31,740,984 | 93.16 |
Drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus) | Mleu.le_1.0 | 3,062,009,387 | 2,409,608,908 | 78.69 | 32,678,726 | 30,529,725 | 93.42 |
Sooty mangabey (Cercocebus atys) | Caty_1.0 | 2,848,246,356 | 2,386,028,334 | 83.77 | 34,351,134 | 32,283,506 | 93.98 |
Olive baboon (Papio anubis) | Panubis1.0 | 2,869,821,163 | 2,392,319,746 | 83.36 | 36,172,917 | 31,844,268 | 88.03 |
Vervet-AGM (Chlorocebus sabaeus) | ChlSab1.1 | 2,789,656,328 | 2,527,156,144 | 90.59 | 31,292,716 | 27,978,402 | 89.41 |
Black snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti) | ASM169854v1 | 2,977,074,946 | 2,373,966,225 | 79.74 | 32,924,301 | 30,707,467 | 93.27 |
Golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) | Rrox_v1 | 2,899,552,139 | 2,385,064,705 | 82.26 | 33,867,875 | 31,540,915 | 93.13 |
Gibbon (Nomascus leucogenys) | Nleu_3.0 | 2,962,060,179 | 2,457,619,919 | 82.97 | 33,058,749 | 26,911,008 | 81.40 |
Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) | gorGor4 | 3,063,362,794 | 2,595,832,450 | 84.74 | 34,567,330 | 30,342,240 | 87.78 |
Bonobo (Pan paniscus) | panpan1.1 | 3,286,643,896 | 2,640,510,667 | 80.34 | 33,835,525 | 31,270,256 | 92.42 |
Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) | Pan_tro_3.0 | 3,231,170,666 | 2,830,600,686 | 87.60 | 37,531,681 | 34,727,070 | 92.53 |
Human (Homo sapiens) | GRCh38 | 3,099,750,718 | 2,744,733,046 | 88.55 | 35,869,223 | 33,995,146 | 94.78 |
Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii) | Susie_PABv2 | 3,065,052,215 | 2,597,020,910 | 84.73 | 34,106,545 | 32,165,030 | 94.31 |
Ma's night monkey (Aotus nancymaae) | Anan_2.0 | 2,861,668,348 | 2,050,612,120 | 71.66 | 33,534,099 | 30,618,458 | 91.31 |
Panamanian white-faced capuchin (Cebus imitator) | Cebus_imitator-1.0 | 2,717,703,182 | 2,159,442,065 | 79.46 | 33,329,722 | 30,731,572 | 92.20 |
Bolivian squirrel monkey (Saimiri boliviensis boliviensis) | SaiBol1.0 | 2,608,588,537 | 2,058,163,554 | 78.90 | 32,349,188 | 30,215,772 | 93.41 |
White-tufted-ear marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) | mCalJac1.pat.X | 2,829,711,198 | 2,146,735,313 | 75.86 | 36,931,356 | 32,166,804 | 87.10 |
Tarsier (Carlito syrichta) | Tarsius_syrichta-2.0.1 | 3,453,864,774 | 1,733,222,704 | 50.18 | 28,501,270 | 26,601,555 | 93.33 |
Coquerel's sifaka (Propithecus coquereli) | Pcoq_1.0 | 2,798,152,141 | 1,549,762,018 | 55.39 | 29,815,600 | 28,268,340 | 94.81 |
Greater bamboo lemur (Prolemur simus) | Prosim_1.0 | 2,411,593,676 | 1,621,397,295 | 67.23 | 32,178,253 | 30,061,380 | 93.42 |
Mouse Lemur (Microcebus murinus) | Mmur_3.0 | 2,487,409,138 | 2,007,422,294 | 80.70 | 32,222,963 | 26,148,908 | 81.15 |
Bushbaby (Otolemur garnettii) | OtoGar3 | 2,519,404,493 | 1,430,438,481 | 56.78 | 31,659,618 | 29,036,394 | 91.71 |
Tree Shrew (Tupaia belangeri) | TREESHREW | 3,670,341,392 | 972,987,355 | 26.51 | 24,459,053 | 19,192,963 | 78.47 |
Block size distribution
Size range | All 233,219 alignment blocks | |
# blocks | Total size (incl. gaps) | |
10 bp - 100 bp | 20 |
1.7 kb |
100 bp - 1 kb | 1,174 |
541.4 kb |
1 kb - 10 kb | 5,417 |
28.6 Mb |
10 kb - 100 kb | 123,901 |
6.4 Gb |
100 kb - 1 Mb | 102,249 |
22.7 Gb |
1 Mb - 10 Mb | 458 |
458.0 Mb |